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Honduras Marcala

Honduras Marcala
(new product)
Arabica Varietal: Catuaí, Borbón, Typica
Name: Marcala
Country: Honduras
Attitude: 1,500 m.a.s.l.
Process: Natural
Roasting: Medium
Cupping Notes: Cherry, Cocoa, Tropical fruits
Acidity: 5
Sweetness: 6
Body: 6
Aftertaste: 6

The Story
In the year 2001, 61 Honduran coffee farmers (12 females and 49 males) joined together with a common goal to transform their farms from conventional to organic production in order to produce high quality coffee and thus formed COMSA co-operative (Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A). This specialty coffee is grown in the area of Marcala, which is located in the mountain range of Montecillos, at heights between 1,200 – 1,700 masl.

The natural process starts from the moment the ripe coffee cherries are hand-picked by the local farmers. Then they deliver the cherries to COMSA’s central wet mill and the team there selects the best-looking cherries. Afterwards the cherries with red wine like colour are placed in a clean tank filled with water, where they rest for 24 hours to hydrolyse the beans inside the cherries. Once the coffee is hydrolysed, it is packed inside clean polypropylene sacks and transported to the patios or raised beds where they are sun-dried for 12 to 24 days, depending on weather conditions.
V60 Pour Over
Whole Beans
Filter Coffee Machine
Chemex Pour Over
Espresso Machine
French Press
Syphon Pour Over
Espresso Brikka
200 grams
Perfect Match!

Coffee Shop
Single Estate Coffees
(new product)
CDN$11.40 | 200 grams
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