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At Coffee Island, we believe in quality coffee
and have made a commitment to our customers to only offer
superb specialty coffees, the kind of coffees that speak for themselves.
Growing our Values

We believe in our people. Every single milestone leading to today’s success, is the result of our people’s ideas, passion, inspiration and hard work. For us, as our people grow, Coffee Island grows with them.

We are committed to knowledge, innovation and coffee excellence. We are true explorers and invest heavily in knowledge and innovation, as they are the driving forces behind our success.

We believe in a fair way of conducting business. This means we believe in supporting Direct Trade.  We believe in making sure that every single activity in which we engage contributes to the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the places from where we source our coffee beans, or process and sell our end products and services.

We are true taste explorers, on a quest of excellence

A bean with a Vision
Turning the art of making artisan coffee into science

Our vision is to establish ourselves as international leaders and pioneers in the coffee world. Our dream was to transform the art of artisan coffee into science. With great passion and collective work, our dream of offering specialty coffee has come true.

We have bean on a Mission
A real coffee experience

At our specialty coffee shops, we want to guide guests throughout the coffee journey, from the initial supply and selection of the bean to the roasting process, grinding and extraction of coffee, when it is ready to be consumed and enjoyed.

After 20 years, and yet, we’ve just begun.
Our coffee is fresh, our cups are full and our journey continues...
See you on our next island!